Updating Firmware and Getting Started: Panorama T Series When you first turn your T-series controller on, the display will show a URL. (Image 1). This indicates that the firmware needs to be updated. The URLs will take you to the Nektar account creation page. If you...
Bitwig Setup and Troubleshooting: Panorama T Series If you are just getting started with your Panorama T4 or T6, follow these steps to activate your Bitwig 8-Track license. Create and activate your account at: Bitwig.com/register. Add your Bitwig 8-Track serial number...
Cubase/Nuendo Setup and Troubleshooting: Panorama T Series Here are the steps you need to go through to get Cubase or Nuendo up and running with your Panorama T-series controller Setup Download the ‘Panorama_T4T6_Steinberg_Support’ file from your Account page after...
Digital Performer Setup and Troubleshooting: Panorama T Series There are no files to be installed, in order to use the Panorama T-series with Digital Performer. The T-series controller will emulate a MCU controller, for Mixer and Transport functions. Setup Please make...
Logic Setup and Troubleshooting: Panorama T Series Here are the steps you need to go through to get Logic up and running with your Panorama T Series series controller. Setup Make sure Logic is already installed on your computer. If not, please install Logic first and...
Studio One Setup and Troubleshooting: Panorama T Series Important: Make sure that you install the Studio One integration files for Panorama T Series after installing Studio One. If you accidentally ran our installer before installing Studio One, Studio One will not...