Impact GX/LX Mini & GXP Support
Pro Tools Setup & Troubleshooting: Impact GXP If you haven‘t yet updated the firmware in your Impact GXP, complete that step first. The firmware update files are a separate download available from MY ACCOUNT on our website. With the firmware update complete, move...
Impact GX/LX Mini & GXP Support
Cubase/Nuendo Setup & Troubleshooting: Impact GXP Here are the steps you need to follow to get Cubase up and running with your Impact GXP, LX Mini or GX Mini Controller. Impact Steinberg integration is compatible with Cubase 5 and up, as well as Nuendo 6 and up....
Impact GX/LX Mini & GXP Support
Digital Performer Setup & Troubleshooting: Impact GXP, LX Mini & GX Mini Here are the steps you need to go through to get your Impact up and running with Digital Performer 8 and above. Setup Run the ‘DAW Integration Installer’ in that folder and follow the...
Impact GX/LX Mini & GXP Support
Reason Setup & Troubleshooting: Impact GXP Here are the steps you need to follow to get Reason up and running with your Impact GXP series controller. Installation & Setup Impact GXP Reason integration is compatible with Reason 6 and above. If you haven‘t yet...