Impact Setup & Troubleshooting
Reaper Setup and Troubleshooting: Impact Important: Impact Reaper integration is compatible with Reaper 4.59 or later. We recommend that you upgrade to the latest version if you have not already done so. These instructions assume you have a compatible Reaper program...
Impact Setup & Troubleshooting
Reason Setup and Troubleshooting: Impact Here are the steps you need to follow to get Reason up and running with your Impact series controller. Installation & Setup Impact Reason integration is compatible with Reason 6 and above. For Reason 5, please see below....
Impact Setup & Troubleshooting
Cakewalk Setup and Troubleshooting: Impact Here are the steps you need to go through to get Cakewalk/Sonar up and running with your Impact Controller: Download ‘Impact_Cakewalk_Integration…’ from your Account page after registering your product. Run...
Impact Setup & Troubleshooting
Studio One Setup and Troubleshooting: Impact This page is applicable to the following products: Impact GX49, GX61, LX25+, LX49+, LX61+ and LX88+. For original LX or iX series controllers, please see this page page for installers. Important: Make sure that you install...
Impact Setup & Troubleshooting, Legacy: Impact LX/iX
Studio One 4 and above with original LX/iX controllers Nektar products are compatible with Studio One 4 and above. The latest installers for the Impact GX, LX+, and SE25/SE49 controllers can be found on your account page. Please follow the instructions below if you...
Impact Setup & Troubleshooting
Pro Tools Setup and Troubleshooting: Impact LX+ With the release of Pro Tools 2024.3, the ‘M-Audio Keyboard’ control surface profile is no longer an option in Pro Tools’ MIDI Controller settings. As a result, Nektar controllers will only operate as...