Impact GX/LX Mini & GXP Support
Studio One Setup and Troubleshooting: GXPUncategorized This page is applicable to the following products: Impact GXP49, GXP61, and GXP88. Important: Make sure that you install the Studio One integration files for Impact GXP series after installing Studio One. If you...
Aura Support, General Help & FAQs, Panorama T4/T6 Support
MIDI Sync and your Nektar Controller The Panorama T-series, Aura, Impact GXP series and Impact LX Mini controllers can receive MIDI clock messages from music software and synchronize their tempo based features to the tempo of your DAW. Your Nektar controller is...
Impact Setup & Troubleshooting
Studio One Setup and Troubleshooting: Impact This page is applicable to the following products: Impact GX49, GX61, LX25+, LX49+, LX61+ and LX88+. For original LX or iX series controllers, please see this page page for installers. Important: Make sure that you install...
Impact Setup & Troubleshooting, Legacy: Impact LX/iX
Studio One 4 and above with original LX/iX controllers Nektar products are compatible with Studio One 4 and above. The latest installers for the Impact GX, LX+, and SE25/SE49 controllers can be found on your account page. Please follow the instructions below if you...
Recently Added Articles, Trending Topics
Studio One 6 Compatibility Update: Installers for all supported Nektar products have now been updated, so manual installationis no longer required for Studio One 6. Please download the latest Presonus support installer from your Nektar account and install it. Nektar...