Impact GX/LX Mini & GXP Support
Cakewalk Setup & Troubleshooting: Impact GXP Here are the steps you need to go through to get Cakewalk/Sonar up and running with your Impact GXP Controller: Download ‘Impact_GXP_Cakewalk_Support…’ from your Account page after registering your product. Run the...
Impact GX/LX Mini & GXP Support
Bitwig Setup and Troubleshooting: Impact GXP If you are just getting started with your Impact GXP49, 61 or 88, follow these steps to activate your Bitwig 8-Track license. Create and activate your account at: Add your Bitwig 8-Track serial number...
Impact GX/LX Mini & GXP Support
Logic Setup & Troubleshooting: Impact GXP, LX Mini & GX Mini Here are the steps you need to go through to get Logic up and running with your Impact series controller. Setup instructions for Logic 10.6 and later The Impact GXP, Impact GX Mini or Impact LX Mini...
Impact GX/LX Mini & GXP Support
Reaper Setup & Troubleshooting: Impact GXP Important: Impact GXP Reaper integration is compatible with Reaper 4.59 or later. We recommend that you upgrade to the latest version if you have not already done so. These instructions assume you have a compatible Reaper...
Impact GX/LX Mini & GXP Support
Studio One Setup and Troubleshooting: GXPUncategorized This page is applicable to the following products: Impact GXP49, GXP61, and GXP88. Important: Make sure that you install the Studio One integration files for Impact GXP series after installing Studio One. If you...
Aura Support, General Help & FAQs, Impact GX/LX Mini & GXP Support, Impact Knowledge Base, Pacer Support, Panorama P1/P4/P6 Support, Panorama T4/T6 Support
USB Power And Nektar Controllers Nektar controllers are designed to receive power via a single USB connection. The exception is the Panorama P4 and P6, which receive power from two USB ports. The standard USB jack (USB-B) provides power to most of the P4/P6 and USB...