Troubleshooting in MacOS: Panorama P Series
If you are encountering problems with your Panorama setup after completing the installation process, the next step depend on whether you:
– are installing Panorama in OS X 10.11 (El Capitan) or higher for the first time.
– have updated your OS X from OS X 10.10.5 (Yosemite) or below to OS X 10.11 or higher.
– are installing Panorama in OS X 10.10.5 (Yosemite) or below for the first time.
Known Issues in MacOS 11 (Big Sur) and above
In the meantime, you can run these DAWs in an Intel Mac emulation layer called Rosetta and our support software for those applications will work. Please follow these steps:
- Open a Finder window.
- Select ‘Applications’ from the list on the left side of the window.
- Right-click on the Logic Pro, GarageBand, Reaper, or Digital Performer app and select ‘Get Info…’. (Image 1, 3)
- Tick the ‘Open in Rosetta’ option. (Image 2, 3)
- Close the Info window.
- Start the DAW.
Troubleshooting OS X 10.11 (El Capitan) and above
- Make sure you have downloaded the correct Panorama file
We try to make the installation process as straight forward as possible, but it does happen that wrong files are downloaded from time to time.
First verify that the correct files were downloaded. On your account page, you will see the products which are registered to your account with software packages for the DAWs which you have selected during registration. If you had chosen 10.10.5 or below as the OS you are using, click the ‘Edit’ button next to the product image and then choose the versions of OS X which you are using now.
Once you have done that, you will see likes to the correct software packages for OS X 10.11 and above.
- Verify firmware
Once you have downloaded the zip file associated with your product, follow the instructions on the first page of the included user guide.
The instructions take you through the process of updating your Panorama firmware. To make sure this was all done correctly, verify the firmware version:
- Make sure your Panorama is in Internal mode.
- Press the two display buttons labelled [Faders] + [Encoders]. The About page will appear on Panorama’s display and you can check the firmware version. For OS X 10.11 and higher, the firmware version must start with 03.xx.xx. Versions starting with 01.xx.xx will only work with OS X versions below 10.11.
- OS X Audio MIDI Setup
With steps 1 and 2 complete and verified, the final step is to make sure OS X see’s the Panorama MIDI ports correctly.
- Open a Finder window.
- Open the ‘Go’ menu at the top of your screen.
- Select ‘Utilities’.
- Double-click on ‘Audio MIDI Setup’ (look for the keyboard icon).
- Go to the ‘Window’ menu at the top of your screen and select ‘Show MIDI window’. If it says ‘Hide MIDI window’ then you should already see the ‘MIDI Studio’ window.
- If you do not see Panorama’s icon, scroll over or expand the window, as the icon may be hidden.
- Switch your Panorama off or disconnect it.
- The Panorama icon should now be grayed out. Click on it to select.
- Press the ‘Delete’ button on your computer keyboard. The Panorama icon is now removed.
- Switch your Panorama on again or reconnect it. A new Panorama icon appears and you are now ready to check that it works with your DAW.
This image shows how Panorama’s MIDI ports should appear if Panorama is configured correctly, note the port names in the red square:

Audio MIDI Setup
Updating from OS X 10.10.5 and earlier
If you are updating from OS X 10.10.5 or below, and you previously had the Panorama driver installed on your system, the first step is to completely remove it.
Here is a link to the uninstallers for P1, P4 and P6: Panorama Uninstallers
Once you have done that, Panorama’s drivers should be removed but you should check to make sure the relevant files have been removed. Please follow these steps:
- Open a Finder window.
- Open the ‘Go’ menu at the top of your screen.
- Select ‘Go to folder’.
- Type ‘/System/Library/Extensions‘.
- Click ‘Go’.
- Look for ‘nkmerge.kext’. If you see it, move it to the trash.
- Open the Go menu at the top of your screen again.
- Select ‘Go to folder’.
- Type ‘/Library/Audio/MIDI Drivers‘.
- Look for ‘Px.NektarUSBMIDIDriver.plugin’ (where ‘x’ represents 1, 4 or 6, depending on which model you are using). If you see it, move it to the trash.
- Empty the trash.
Once you have confirmed that Panorama’s drivers have been removed make sure steps 1-3 are completed correctly and finally check it’s all working with your DAW.
NOTE: Panorama QWERTY macro’s are not available when used with OS X 10.11 or higher. We recommend you only update if this feature is not important to you.
Troubleshooting Mac OS X 10.10.5 (Yosemite) and earlier
If your Panorama is not being recognized by Reason or other DAW applications, Audio MIDI Setup (AMS) can help you identify the problem.
To access Audio MIDI Setup follow these steps:
- Open a Finder window. (Image 1)
- Click on the ‘Go’ menu at the top of the screen and select ‘Utilities’. (Image 2)
- Double-click on the Audio MIDI Setup icon. (Image 3)
- Go to the ‘Window’ menu at the top of your screen and select ‘Show MIDI window’. If it says ‘Hide MIDI window’ then you should already see the ‘MIDI Studio’ window. (Image 4)
Image 5 shows how Panorama should appear in Audio MIDI Setup (AMS).
If your Panorama has never been detected by AMS, it will look like Image 6.
You may need to click the ‘Rescan MIDI’ button or restart your computer so that AMS can detect your Panorama.
If you see Panorama in AMS as in Image 7, it means that it’s detected without the Nektar driver.
Have you installed the latest driver? If so, try restarting your computer.
If Panorama appears greyed out like in Image 8 , it means that the driver is installed but AMS does not detect Panorama.
Try clicking the ‘Rescan MIDI’ button or power-cycling your Panorama. Are you sure the USB cable is connected to your computer?
Finally, if you see Panorama in AMS with a question mark (Image 9), you may have a driver installation issue.
First try restarting your computer. If Panorama still doesn’t get detected correctly, run the Uninstaller that was included in the .dmg file you downloaded, restart your computer, then Installer the drivers again. Make sure your Panorama is not connected when running the Installer.
If you continue to have trouble setting up your Panorama in Reason or any other applications, please contact tech support.