Impact Setup & Troubleshooting
Studio One Setup and Troubleshooting: Impact This page is applicable to the following products: Impact GX49, GX61, LX25+, LX49+, LX61+ and LX88+. For original LX or iX series controllers, please see this page page for installers. Important: Make sure that you install...
Impact Setup & Troubleshooting
Pro Tools Setup and Troubleshooting: Impact GX With the release of Pro Tools 2024.3, the ‘M-Audio Keyboard’ control surface profile is no longer an option in Pro Tools’ MIDI Controller settings. As a result, Nektar controllers will only operate as generic MIDI Devices...
Impact Setup & Troubleshooting
Using Waveform/Tracktion with Impact Impact LX and LX+ controllers can be used as a simple control surface in Tracktion with some basic configuration. Installation & Setup To get started, please download the Tracktion Control Surface Script file from the link...