Here is a link to a preset template for Pacer which is designed to work with Ableton Live: Pacer_Live_UserRemote 1 file(s) 22.10 KB Download To send the sysex data to Pacer, use Sysex Librarian (OS X) or Bome’s Send SX (Windows). The sysex data will overwrite...
Neural DSP Quad Cortex Preset for Pacer Here is a link to a preset template for Pacer which is designed to work with the Quad Cortex from Neural DSP: 1 file(s) 1.32 KB Download To send the sysex data to Pacer, use Sysex Librarian (OS X) or Bome’s...
Kemper Profiler Performance Mode Preset for Pacer Optional Preset for Performance Mode control of the Kemper Profiler Amp. In order to load this Preset into Pacer, you need to use a Sysex program such as Sysex Librarian from Snoize for Mac OS X or Bome’s SendSX...
MainStage Setup and Troubleshooting: Pacer Here is a link to a preset template for Pacer which is designed to work with Mainstage: Pacer Mainstage Template 1 file(s) 1.38 KB Download To send the sysex data to Pacer, use Sysex Librarian (OS X) or Bome’s Send SX...
Utility and Template Presets for Pacer Descriptions of Presets A1-A6 and D2-D6. The Presets The Program Change presets are very useful for changing patches on instruments and effects. Most MIDI compatible hardware will respond to these messages and so will some...