Garageband Setup & Troubleshooting: Impact GXP
Important: Impact GXP integration for Garageband is compatible with GarageBand 6.0.5 and above.
These instructions assume you have GarageBand installed and are running MacOS.
- Make sure GarageBand is already installed on your computer. If not, please install the latest version of GarageBand first and open it at least once, before running the installer for Nektar DAW integration software.
- Download the ‘Impact_GXP_Apple_Support’ file from your Account page after registering your product.
- Run the ‘Impact_GXP_Apple_Support’ installer and follow the on screen instructions.
- Plug-in your Impact GXP keyboard and make sure it’s switched on (if you didn’t do so already).
- Launch GarageBand.
That’s it, setup is now complete.
Transport controls:
All transport functions except for Undo and Click work in Garageband 6.0.5 and Garageband 10. The Click function only works in Garageband 10 and higher.
If you encounter a problem where some controls do not work as expected, specifically related to button functions, please follow the instructions below:
- Close any applications you have open.
- Open a Finder window.
- Open the ‘Go’ menu at the top of the screen.
- Select ‘Go to folder…’.
- Type ‘~/Library/Containers‘.
- Click ‘Go’.
- Open the ‘’ folder.
- Open the ‘Data’ folder.
- Open the ‘Library’ folder.
- Open the ‘Preferences’ folder.
- Find and move it to the trash.
- Empty the Trash.
- In the Finder go to //Applications/Nektar/GXP or //Applications/Nektar/Apple.
- Run the uninstaller located in that directory.
- Restart your computer.
- Start GarageBand and create an empty project (this is just so GarageBand creates a new cs file).
- Quit GarageBand.
- Run the latest ‘Impact_GXP_Apple_Support’ installer (the latest installers can always be found on your Account page).
- Start GarageBand again.
If you continue to have trouble, please contact support.
Known Issues
Currently Nektar controllers will operate as generic MIDI devices when running Logic or GarageBand as native applications on M1 based Apple computers. We are working on updates to our software.
In the meantime, you can run Logic and GarageBand in an Intel Mac emulation layer called Rosetta and our support software for those applications will work. Please follow these steps:
- Open a Finder window.
- Select ‘Applications’ from the list on the left side of the window.
- Right-click on the Logic Pro or GaragBand app and select ‘Get Info’. (Image 1)
- Tick the ‘Open using Rosetta’ option. (Image 2)
- Close the Info window.
- Start Logic or GarageBand.